1. 教育部長吳清基昨天(23)南下嘉義,和家長面對面暢談十二年國教,吳部長表示,十二年國教不分藍綠,是全民共同期望。他說,高中職免試入學更可以讓老師針對學生適性輔導,讓學生發揮更多的創意,使國家更有競爭力。
Yesterday, Minister Wu from the Ministry of Education went to Chiayi to discuss with the parents about the 12-year compulsory education scheme. Minister Wu expressed the 12-year compulsory education scheme has nothing to do with any political parties at all. It is the entire citizens’ joint expectation. He said test-free entrance program is even more likely to enable teachers to educate their students in accordance with the students’ capabilities and personal interests. According to Minister Wu, Taiwan can be more competitive when the local students can develop their innovative ideas and potentials.
2. TDK盃第15屆全國大專校院創思設計與製作競賽決賽,昨天(23)舉行。教育部長吳清基在致詞時表示,技職教育就是強調要有設計、操作的能力,最重要是要有創意,有創意才有競爭力,TDK多年來提供資源,讓大專技職校院重視機器人實作和理論。
The final stage for 15th TDK Contest, which focuses on the designing of innovative technology, was held yesterday. In his speech, Minister Wu from the Ministry of Education indicated the vocational education should emphasize on the students’ abilities to design and tackle the various products created. The most important is the inspirational, innovative ideas, which can enhance competitiveness. For years, TDK has offered resources so that the local vocational colleges would emphasize the practicality and theory of robots.
3. 中央大學為了推廣綠色交通的概念,推出百輛愛心腳踏車,開放師生和遊客使用,不需登記和租金。中央大學表示,校園面積大,校內學生將近一半都用腳踏車代步。這些愛心腳踏車,就是學生畢業後留在學校的腳踏車,現在提供給全體師生和遊客們使用。
To promote the concept of eco-friendly transportation measurement, the National Central University offers hundreds of bikes for the students, teachers and visitors for free while registration and rent are not required. National Central University expresses that due to its spacious campus, almost half of the student body cycle instead of walking in the campus. These bikes are left behind by students who already graduated and are now available for all the current students, faculty members, and visitors.
4. 臺灣環境資訊協會主辦的第5屆「自然生命印象攝影徵件活動」將於10月30號截止,本屆主題以「海洋、溼地、森林」等自然生態及動植物之間的相互關係為呈現重點。報名不限個人或團體,活動分成「親子組」和「大眾組」。
Taiwan Environmental Information Center is holding the fifth photography contest. This time, the scenes for the photos taken should be related to the natural environment and life. The deadline of application is 30 Oct. The theme this time is about the ocean, wetland, forest and so on in the natural environment, as well as the relationships in between the animals and the plants. Either individuals or groups can enter the contest. Contestants will be further categorized into the parent-children or the general public groups.
5. 美國和西班牙的科學家們,分析了汽車安全帶和防護頭枕的設計後發現。分析之後他們發現,這些依照男性體型設計的裝置,使女性駕駛人比較容易受重傷;他們建議廠商應該考慮女性的駕駛需求,保障她們的安全。
American and Spanish scientists have analyzed the designing of seat-belt and protective headrest in the automobiles. After the analysis, they discover that these devices, designed according to male’s physical build, make female drivers more prone to suffer from severe injuries. These scientists suggest the manufacturers to take female drivers’ need into consideration in order to ensure these female’s safety on the road.
6. 200多位被父母取名為「多餘」的女孩,在印度孟買的一項活動上一起改名,迎接新生活。印度社會極端的重男輕女,許多人懷了女兒就去墮胎,也有很多人蓄意虐待女兒,因此,印度的兩性嚴重失衡,男女比例是1000比927。
More than 200 girls whose names are synonyms of the “Extra” or the “Unwanted” by their parents have begun their new life through altering their names in an activity held in Bombay. In India, males are considered a lot more important than their female counterpart. During their pregnancy, many women would opt for abortion once they learn their fetuses are girls. Others would deliberately abuse their daughters. Hence, in the nation, the percentage of men and women is in an acutely unbalanced condition, with the ratio of men and women 1000 to 927.
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